Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cost of 1 life

Saw the following Poll on CNN.com today.. can't get more even that this

Do you support sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan?

Yes  50%   39906

No    50%   39143

Total votes: 79049

This is not a scientific poll

So it sounds like Obama is going to channel LBJ and keep sending good troops after bad. As long as that thug Karzai is in charge in Kabul, I don’t see any reason why we would send anything else out to Afghanistan. At this point we all have to realize that the ‘Good War’ is no longer worth fighting. I’m for sending a few crop-dusters over the Poppy fields and spray them down with rat-poison to kill any poppy crops and for any ones that survive hopefully it will kill the drug-user who will buy the heroin later on.

I don’t think we have the stomach to keep going anymore, we have spent countless money on our credit-card to pay for these wars and I don’t think anybody can reasonably tell you that we are any better off today than we were in 2003.

I read a report the other day that it costs $1,000,000 per year to keep a soldier in a war zone. Not exactly sure how you get to that number but add 30,000 troops and some quick math tells you that we will have another $30,000,000,000. Those are a lot of zeros.

Then again I can’t exactly figure how the costs get upto $1 million dollars per soldier but I figure

Soldier’s Salary $30,000

Soldier health-care: $10,000

Soldier’s Food: $15,000

Soldier’s Uniforms: $2000

Round coach trip ticket to Kabul: $1000

Phone cards: $500

Year subscription to Playboy : $120

Payoff to Karzai $100,000

“security fee’ to Blackwater: $250,000

Commission to Halliburton $200,000

Fee paid to Goldman Sachs: $391,380

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