Saturday, November 21, 2009

80's Hot

What is considered hot is always a matter of individual taste or perception. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but when you get uber-hot like Megan Fox there aren't many who will disagree.

When discussing the chicks most people will agree when it comes the general levels of her hotness although there are a few exceptions (Sarah Jessica Parker comes to mind) where most of the male population will come to a reasonable assertion while a smaller rogue faction which is apparently blinded by too many tequila shots will give you the exact opposite.
What some people consider hot others are disgusted by but nothing seems to exemplify
this more than the trashy look.

I have often argued that the trashy slutty look is one of the best and no decade did this better than the 1980's. Fashion travels in cycles but often gets grouped into decades.

The 50's had an innocence where long skirts met corsets giving a woman her shape, the 60's gave you a rebellious look fueled by free-love and herb, the 70's offered a pure example of when bad acid leads to bad fashion. They were all distinct and most people will come to the same conclusion when discussing the look of the decade.

The 80's on the other hand had a look which people tend to remember in very different ways. For some the hairsprayed, spray-tanned, leather pants and tight shirt look is pure trash while others see this as trashy-hot. .

So we a TOR propose to add a phrase to American lexicon: 80's Hot. This will describe the look some women still sport in 2009 which left with 24 hour music videos and cable remote attached to your TV with a long wire..
It's not for everybody but neither are anchovies

80's Hot isn't your normal hot, it's stripper hot.

80's Hot is chick on the hood of your Transam hot

80's Hot is Lita Ford

80's Hot is a chick who looks like she just smoked a pack of Reds and polished it off with a couple of gin-and-tonics and isn't gonna puke

80's Hot is NOT looking like you belong in High School.

80's Hot is a chick in a leather jacket and tight jeans. . I'm not talking fitted jeans you get today at some fancy boutique but a pair of stone-washed Levis preferably with holes ripped in the knees.

80's Hot is that out-of work stripper with a face that looks like it's gone through a war look.

80's Hot is where skankiness and hotness comes together like a car crash.

80's Hot is a Whitesnake video.

80's Hot is a chick who rolls down the street blasting Cherry Pie wearing a head-band to keep her hair-sprayed bangs out of her eyes.

80's hot is a chick who drinks and drives Budweiser in a Corvette

80's Hot is a chick who bangs instead of going to the gym.

80's Hot means never having to say sorry for bleach blonde hair.

80's Hot is a chick who take the midnight train to anywhere

80's. Hot is real cans or really bad fake ones

80's Hot is a chick who realized Coldplay sucks

Some will argue that these aren't example of hot but these are the same people who try to convince you there is nothing wrong with a man-on-man massage.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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