Saturday, October 24, 2009

There are some people who will match their sweater to their socks or their hat to their sneakers but as I am not exactly a slave to fashion these are not things that concern me.

What I do try to match is my beer to the season. As the weather moves from the almost non existent summer to the cool fall air I resist the Summer Ales and move to the Octoberfest which seems like such an obvious choice. Now I am sure that 90% of this is marketing but having a Corona at a ski lodge doesn't feel right nor does an IPA feel right sitting on a beach.
Now there were a couple of beers which can span the seasons (Rheingold RIP) and a few which just aren't seasonal (Coors Lite, Heineken) but aren't usually not your first choice at a bar. I'm sure somebody will mention Guinness but I am not convinced that works in Cancun.
Now obviously the beer companies are all doing spring and summer ales as well as Octoberfests and winter lagers but I am talking about the straight run-of-the-mill beer and I cannot think of one which is great paired with every season.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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