Saturday, October 31, 2009

Presidential platform

If I were to run for president I would do it on these platforms

- take the burden of health-care off the backs of businesses. The health of a nation should not be funded by it's business sector

- get a playoff system going in the BCS.. If the NFL, MLB, Hockey, Soccer and the NCAA basketball can manage a playoff, there is no reason why NCAA Division 1 football can't

-pull back 90% of aid to countries not pushing democracy. I'm done paying off bullies and thugs

- change the Halloween celebration to the last Friday in October. TOR has taken this on in the past, so it's not a surprise but for what is supposed to be a kid's holiday we aren't doing it any favors by keeping it tied to a date instead of a relative day. For a holiday where kid's are supposed to go out and revel in childhood innocence there seems to be a major disconnect. Why we would ever hold this holiday on a Tuesday night is beyond me, I you celebrated it on a Friday it would allow schools to have their kid's parades and with it not being a school night allowing kids to trick or treat worry free.
Plus Friday Night is a perfect bar night to gawk at hot horny chicks.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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