Monday, September 21, 2009

Who Knew?

Who knew that there was this much life at noon on a Monday afternoon. There are a ton of people outside, walking to the supermarket, I saw people having coffee, going to the bank, strolling down the streets and chatting on corners. Maybe it's because I'm secretly jealous or maybe it's because it just reeks of laziness but the thought of not having to go to work on a Monday Morning to me is the equivalent of having a desire to stop drinking water for ever.
Now I am not talking about new mothers and I'm all for using vacation days to go to see places but I just cannot wrap myself around 'wasting' a day by doing nothing but when I look outside there are tons of people doing just that and it frustrates me.

Who knew that all of this was going on while I slaved away at work every single day. I couldn't imagine doing that day-in and day-out but this lifestyle didn't seem to bother any of them. I can't even imagine spending three weekdays away from work let alone a lifetime. See i'm not one for vacations at home, I can count on one hand the amount of days I've ever taken off to spend at home.
One time I took a day off to paint the bathroom, a few times I've taken a day off to train for the marathon with a 20 mile run and there was one time I took the day to clean the laundry vent, so the concept of just sitting home on a Monday is a bit foreign. I had perfect attendance through 4 years of high school and four years of college. I never missed a day for sickness or to play hookie not because I have this need to learn but because I have a need to feel productive. My family in Holland takes 6+ weeks of vacation per year plus a number of "old dick" days which you get for being over 50 and working. This is where I resent socialism; I believe you should work for your keep and keep what you work for.

Then again they all have less stress, generally have flatter stomachs and better health-care so maybe they are doing something right after-all.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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