Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wedding #4

Labor Day usually marks the end of summer for most, for me it marks the end of the wedding season. Obviously the Jon Bon Righetti experience has completely fallen flat recently and I have come to realize I actually have more fun when I'm not totally shit-faced. So in an effort to become a more social wedding guest and a more pleasant date I think it's time to put the booze away at wedding for the SPS.
Now I'm not talking about going dry (I can't possibly be asked to keep hydrated without at least a couple of Miller Lites) but no more heavy drinking or ridiculousness. This was all very entertaining years ago but too many brides have given me the stink-eye that I shouldn't have to be told that it's all wearing thin on the crowd.

So here's to today's bride and groom, hope you didn't expect me to be the reason the open bar would make financial sense.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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