Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm a PC

What always got me about those I'm a MAC I'm a PC commercials is that the cool guy looks exactly like Ross from Friends which is about as uncool as you can get.

Well today I felt like a combo of those two idiots as I was met with the dreaded blue screen as I tried to log onto my fantasy-football league. I have been here before and it's not pleasant but when my CPU froze today and like the male stripper in those bachelorette videos on RedTube I knew I was screwed.

Now my CPU and I have been through a LOT together, surfing and swerving through the best and worst the innerwebs has to offer and like a Toyota Corrola the DELL has been as dependable as can be. Not only have we seen a lot together, I feel like I have treated the software well and the hardware better but somehow for the second time in 2 years the entire CPU is done and now won't so much as turn on again... I guess it may finally be time to get myself a netbook although it would be a shame if it somehow I couldn't surf as quickly with one of those....
Now I couldn't be sure what was the final demise but somehow I think it rhymes with Shoe Torn.

I wonder if this would have happened if I was a Mac?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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