Thursday, September 17, 2009

Basic arithmetic

I don't want to make it more difficult on people who make minimum wage at the various service shops and restaurants across this country but sometimes I step away and think that some basic mathematics would make their lives and mine that much more enjoyable.

Scene: Righetti walks into some store at Grand Central Station to buy some Jelly Bellies and a pair of socks. I go to pay and hand the chick a .$20 bill. She rings me up and I see it's $8.23

Righetti: I have a quarter

Sales lady. :confused:

Righetti: you know cause it's $8.23

Sales lady: I already rang it up

Righetti: :confused: just give me $12.02 back

Sales lady: the computer says I have to give you $11.77 back

Righetti: but if I give you a quarter you can give me $12 back

Sales Lady: :confused:

Righetti: $20.25 - $8.23 is...

Sales Lady. :confused:

Righetti: $12.02

She then hands me $11.77. I give her the 3 quarters plus the one in my hand and ask her for a dollar.

Sales Lady looks like she just saw houdini

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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