Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Take on Subway Confusion

I'm a pretty smart guy and very rarely get totally stumped but this sign on the subway today really threw me for a loop.

Apparently it isn't enough to force your customers to melt in 120 degree temperatures on your platforms or have you dodge poodle sized rodents but now you will confuse us even further with advisory signs that don't actually advice of anything.

Apparently on Tuesday through Thursday there will be Q trains running but it will only be going straight

Yet another example of how bad the NYC commuter has it relative to the rest of the world. Unlike every other city we actually use public transportation offered to us and at a decent buck I might add but they insist on having us figure out a brain-teaser to know when we can actually utilize the service we pay for in both our taxes and our metro cards.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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