Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Take on Ovations

With a record of 4-7, a 3.67 ERA and a WHIP of 1.24, the Bump has been used by his manager in a couple of tight ball-games lately and with the added confidence of a succesful blog http://www.bumplovestv.blogspot.com/ he has become a fan favorite.

Today he serves as a relief bitcher for TOR

i am really sick of the overuse of curtain calls. did anyone see the yankee game yesterday?  They gave a curtain call to a-rod for tying the game up and one to texeria for taking the lead. it seems as if yankee fans feel a curtain call is part of the admission price. it is the further disneyfication of sports. when mickey mantle hit his 500th he ran the bases with his head down, shook hands with the guy on deck and sat down on the bench. I know that carlos delgado caught some flack last year when he refused a curtain call. he didn't think the situation warranted it. it's too much already. a curtain call should be for a guy who hits three homers in a game or hits for the cycle, or takes his last at bat after a long storied career.   People aren't content anymore with just attending a game, they all want to attend the greatest game ever. at $250 a seat, you sorta can't blame them. but stop the curtain calls, they are ruining an already steroid infused, watered down talent game
The TOR take
This standing ovation crap does get out of control not just in baseball, I remember being at some piano concert at Lincoln Center and they gave the pianist 10 ovations where the guy kept coming back and playing one more piece.  It's so contrived and so lame because these performers know that they are going to get called back for encore after encore, there are no theatrics left to it.  They just walk off stage and wait for 30 seconds and come out again and I swear there were a number of times that the applause was really very tame and the guy came out anyway.  It wasn't that show wasn't good (it was) but that they needed this self-justification bullshit at the end which annoyed me and honestly the encore part was longer than the concert.

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