Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!!

365 days ago, we decided to start a little daily blog to talk about the events of the day both large and small. A place to discuss my fears and hopes, to give us an avenue to explore my dreams and talk about stepping in dog shit but more than anything else it was a challenge to myself to write a daily blog uninterrupted for one year straight and I am proud to say that this has been accomplished.

Looking back at some of the original posts (including this one about dropping my walkman in the porta-john), I was fairly amuzed but I guess we didn't really hit our stride until a few months into it.

Now, I’ve thought about taking a few days off to gather my thoughts, re-evaluate the situation and possibly come up with some better stories. Throughout the year I’ve had many comments that have said stuff like

1) Stick to the politics stuff, the rest of it is gross

2) Stay away from the politics stuff, you know nothing about it

3) You disgust me, does the world have to know about your bowel movements

4) Your blog posts have been particularly negative lately

5) You have really bad grammar

6) Your posts are too long

7) Your posts are too short

Hopefully I’ve taken it all in stride and have met your expectations, but as you are the regular TOR readership please realize that we are not going anywhere; there are many more puddles of piss to clear, cigarette smoking litters to complain about, television programs to make fun of and I’m sure there will be some Lamaze angles coming soon.

For now.. thank you for reading every day.. We’re one year old today and looking forward to year two.


  1. Happy Birthday TOR!!!!
    can't wait to hear what year 2 has to bring...especially with all the new things that will be happening in TOR's life :-)

  2. Happy bday TOR. I like how you're using the term 'we' frequently in this post. It's like you're the queen of England...
