Saturday, August 8, 2009


As you all know I am the defender of Rock & Roll against the estrogen fueled bullcrap like Coldplay and the Village People but I do have a confession to make, I really hate going to concerts. 

Now I have to give credit where it's due, this TOR was actually inspired by a conversation I had with a loyal TOR reader and occasional contributor who mentioned how idiotic people at live concerts tend to be mentioning that you just get a a bunch of rhythm-less white people embarrassing the entire race with their antics like the chick in the front who looks like she is having a seizure as she 'dances' or the hordes of dudes kinda swaying away.

He makes a great point and as a white person I have noticed that whenever I see live music I am sort of lost as of what to do, there really aren't any obvious ways for me to position myself at a concert.  I  obviously don't want to dance around like some kind of mental patient, I don't want to sit down as this is obviously not very Rock&Roll and I sure as shit don't want to do that lame lighter-less sway.

Live music for all it's appeal has this as it's major flaw; a lot of the venues just blow.  The small venues are cramped  and the big ones are not set up for music events.  Take a place like the Garden which for all it's history is a terrible place to watch music because if some ahole stands up the whole row behind him can't see.  The only thing you can hope for is that somehow he trips and tumbles down 10 flights taking a bunch of equally big aholes with him. Those arenas just have no place to move and you are left kinda doing the hokey-pokey in you 4 square foot spot

But even a small venue leaves me lost, I just do not know what to do with myself and usually try to find excuses to go to the bar, take a leak or hang out outside.  See if i just stand up my lower back starts to hurt, if I sit down people say I look bored there just is nothing that you can do unless you want to start a mosh pit which for an Erasure concert might not go over very well, although I probably do stand a decent chance at dominating it..

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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