Thursday, August 27, 2009

Battle Lines Drawn

Obama ran on a new kind of politics, a different view and although his supporters hoped that he would be an idealist he has proven that he really is a pragmatist. The torture memos which seem to getting leaked like the names of the 103 baseball players who tested positive for steroids in 2003 have been coming out with 3/4 of their content blacked out are shining new light on the abuses authorized under Little Bush.
I understand Obama's 'need' to put this behind us but I think it's pretty clear that although the White House is publicly at odds with Eric Holder's investigation, that behind closed doors Obama is vehemently behind his AG on this issue and this allows him to prosecute while keeping his own hands clean.
Where it gets tricky is that Obama cannot publicly back the investigation as it would cut into his very limited bipartisan support. This is total garbage; we al know that every concession he has made to the republicans has only been met with a stronger insurgency. He may as well bank on the hope that the American Public wants to improve their image worldwide as they know this will only help our national security than be pragmatic on an issue like this.
I'm no bleeding heart but torture is reprehensible and when its not only authorized from the head of the state it is Stalin like and should be prosecuted.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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