Saturday, July 25, 2009


Before I get crucified, please realize that I am a tough critic on movies. I do not call a movie a classic unless it's on par with True Romance, The Big Lebowski, Casablanca or Rudy and most movies that people love I just think are OK.

Went to see the Hangover and was amused but I don't think it's a great sign when you feel like a movie which was only an hour and a half but felt longer than that.

For those who haven't seen it, it's kinda like Swingers without skinny Vince Vaughn and sort of skinny John Favreau but with Andy Bernard and a Tiger.

The issues I had were as follows

First of all, if you pay Heather Graham and she is willing to show you her t!ts than give me a little something. I saw a lot of male junk and just 3 seconds of Roller-nipple, something wrong with that formula.

Number B
The characters just seemed like they were thrown together, there was no reason that these four dudes would be friends.. One guy was too cool, the other too lame and the fat guy too weird which makes no sense relative to their best man.

Problem #C
The problem was that the best character (Zack the fat jesus looking dude) changed personality types throughout the movie. HE starts out as sort of a weird mentally unstable dude, turns kinda awkward and strange, turns kind of cool and mysterious, goes into kind of a gay phase and then ends up kinda lonely and pathetic. They all worked on their own I guess and it wasn't as if the script was complex enough to have him have multiple personalities; it is seems they used him for whatever position they needed at the time. It"s actually kind of like Acevas on the Yankees. It left me wondering why they would mess with the character so often.

Problem #D
I hated that they saw the bride before hand, mostly because I'm a traditionalist and don't think groom and bride should see each other but for the movie sake it would have been cool to see her walk down the aisle not knowing if she was pissed or relived.

Plus I think cameos are terrible and the Mike Tyson thing proved that again

And I hear the are making a sequel already, they should go and watch American Pie 2 to see how that turns out.
I left the movie feeling like I was hungover

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. You are such a liar. You were laughing so hard so don't pretend you weren't! This movie was awesome.
    Also, Rudy was not a good movie. Might be fun but how is it different to some teen movie where the loser dude/chick ends up saving the high school/town?

  2. I never said the Hangover was bad, just saying it wasn't a classic. I rate it well below Old School but ahead of American Pie 2.

    and you couldn't be more wrong about Rudy.. this would be equivalent of you walking onto the Dublin Blues
