Saturday, May 9, 2009

Steroidal tendencies

So let me get this right... A steroid using ballplayer who got caught cheating on his wife, comes back and hits a three run home run in his first at bat back after hip surgery and that jackass Michael Kay calls it a "fairy-tale story". You have got to be kidding me, ARoid is a cheating insecure pretty boy who can't hit in the clutch but Michael Kay will make you believe he's a cross between Mickey Mantle and Mickey Mouse.
I went to the new Yankee stadium and these are my thoughts.
Although the place is beautiful, fan friendly and well laid out, it is not conducive to actually watching a baseball game. There are too many distractions, too many food options.. You can see the field from the concession stands but with all the distractions you might get lost as you try to find the window to place a bet for the great subway race as you would be to actually see how the defense shifts for a big power left-handed batter. What ever happened to baseball being a box of cracker jacks or a bag on peanuts and a couple of Lite Beers, now it's Sushi, Martinis and suits

What surprised me is the fancy restaurants tucked away in places where you can't even see the field. Who would want to ordering a Pesto Ravioli as Enter Sandman reverberates through the stadium?
What bothers me most is the Tommy Bahama bar, this thing is on some ramp going into the stadium. Why would you ever spend $50 for a ticket into the stadium to then stand in the tunnel walk-way drinking $12 margaritas with a bunch of ugly Yankee fans?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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