Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is terrible customer service as big a part of "new york" as the empire state building?

This will be a bit of a reprieve from yesterday's TOR but it's really been getting on my nerve is how terrible the customer service in the city has become..
Last night I walk into the Budget Rent a Car and am met with a "yeah, what?". I answer that I would like to have the pleasure of renting one of his fine automobiles for which I happened to have a reservation for.

Then we go into this choreographed dance where they tell me they don't have my car and I ask them why not since I have a reservation.

I felt like the Seinfeld episode when Jerry tells the rental car place that they are good at taking the reservation, just not good at keeping one.

I'm basically told that there is no car, won't be one for a bit and that if I want one I'm going to have to wait.

I get no update as I'm waiting, when a car arrives it's practically empty and of course the guy forgot to leave the keys..

Now it's not the terrible service but this attitude that these City customer reps have where asking them to do their jobs seems like you are asking for their left nut.

But this is not a 'budget' problem it's a NYC ghetto attitude where customer service reps make you feel like they are doing you a favor not doing their jobs. In Michigan last week I rented a car and the lady asked if I wanted a map, in NYC I was afraid to ask for where the men's room was.

Hey jackoff, if you are not happy at Budget get off your shit and move up in the world...

Maybe Avis is hiring?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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