Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The GPS lady

My biggest issue with the GPS thing is that it's another example of how we are getting dumbed down as a people. It is not that the GPS isn't a valuable tool bit I have this nasty habit of ignoring the voice as soon as she starts speaking. I cannot tell you how many near accidents this stupid thing has caused for me already.

First of all, because you have a copilot you stop paying attention to the roads you are on, expecting her to guide you safely home.

Secondly there is the issue of looking at a tiny screen while driving which is dangerous.

Thirdly, as soon as you have to make a change you may as well drive into a tree as there is no way to type in a new address and operate a 2000lb automobile. You can tell me that you shouldn't try to operate a GPS while trying to drive a car but that like telling me that you should go to Flashdancers and not have a smile from cheek to cheek.

Lastly the voice like that of some nagging chick is one a dude is programmed to ignore until you are right up against a turn and all of a sudden you are doing one of those 3 lane frogger changes.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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