Monday, March 16, 2009

Kobe tastes like my ass

First of all, I should give a disclaimer:
I am not into labels or designers as I find no discernible difference between the high-end boutique and the Gap as that unfortunate experience with the shoe-horn jeans confirmed.
Now some will say this is a lack of sophistication while those with a conscience will realize this is just the marketing you are paying for..

I have found something which might be more pompous than a $4000 bag or $150 mens jeans., the Kobe Burger.

For one ground up sirloin at any level has lost all the tenderness which defines the Kobe beef which makes the 25% price increase that much more ridiculous. But if the price gauge isn't enough to get your panties wet than the fact it actually tastes like it's been rotting in a sewage stream might.

In my ranking the Kobe Burger fall somewhere behind such atrocities as the Bison Burger and the Pizza Burger in terms of taste and in terms of value it is almost as obnoxious as getting a Filet Mignon and ordering it well done.

Kobe beef when cooked properly can be great (if you like that calf which hasn't ever run taste) but if you are going to offer it to me in a processed slab I'd honestly rather eat a veggie burger
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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