Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm sorry Mr. Vegan guy

I go running this morning like I do most weekend days, just under 5 miles up and through Prospect Park at a pretty decent clip. But today was a bit different than usual, first of all the nasty weather made the track pretty slippery and obviously meant having a lot of gunk kicked up onto your legs, shirt and face. I like running in weather like this as it keeps your on your toes and also separates the men from the boys as many people will use any excuse to not brave this weather.

But as I had gotten up about 30 minutes later than I would have ideally and because I had to run a number of errands before the in-laws showed up, I decided to combine it all together. I first run, then stop by Party City to pick up some birthday balloons and other party stuff and walk down the street to pick up a couple of vegan raw-food dishes for one of the party goers.

Problem is that after I run 5 miles, I always feel so famished that I need to replenish by stuffing as much food in my face in as little time as possible. I knew that with all the errands, I wouldn't have time for a real breakfast so decided to stop at the hot-dog vendor on the corner. This guy is set up perfectly, he's offers exactly three items: hot-dogs, beef sausages and pretels, all for about $2.50 and less. I scarf down not one but two beef sausages with ketchup, mustard, relish and slaw and make it on my way down the street to the vegan place.

Well it was a cold day, and I was pretty soaked after my run but make it inside the V-Spot pretty quickly. I go to pay and as I reach into my pocked to pay him when a huge sneeze comes over me.


there I shot chunks of beef sausage all over the vegan guy's shirt and topped it off by handing him a pile of sweat covered bills and then wiping my dirt covered shirt up against his counter.

sorry dude


  1. zero comments on this?

    ok....AHAHAHAHH i'm sorry but that is just does this stuff happen to you Rig!!!


    love it.

  2. ok this kinda grossed me out but i sneeze food out too. i do it on my husband though so it's ok.
