Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My name is Righetti and I’m addicted to…..
Well this line could be finished with any of the following options and still be true
1) Beer
2) The Internet
3) Pornography
4) Coffee
5) The Good Stuff
But today I’m discussing something else, something even more powerful and something I know even less about than fermented hops, caffeine, Tube8 or anything else. Forget Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, the guys who decoded the DNA, the inventor of the electric car or the person who figured out how to make money selling dirty DVD’s online, there might not have been a bigger invention that has taken my life by storm than the guy who invented the Cheese Doodle.. I don’t even know what this thing is, it stains your hands, has zero nutritional value and makes you a little ill but somehow is deliciously addictive, and you can’t ever eat just one of these dog-doo looking things. A girl at my office bought a bag of this crap the other day and within 15 minutes I was covered from head to toe in orange food-coloring and holding my belly in misery.
Try to answer this question: what the hell is a cheese doodle and you can’t answer “delicious”.
you like it because it's like a twinkie, probably made in some lab. anything made in a lab is almost detrimental to your health and always tastes delicious.