Friday, January 2, 2009

Jack brings people together

This is a bit of a reprise but honestly, there is NOTHING that bring people together more than fermented hops.

Ask yourself this question:
how many people do you love? Not marriage/family/baby love but love in the other way, the "I got drunk with that guy, and he's great" way

I love my wife, family and close friends but there is a different level of love which is based purely on having thrown back a few at some point which changes everything.

I don't understand chicks, nor do I try to.. But I understand beer love.. Take any two dudes and put them in a bar and all of a sudden the two will have a life-long bond. This is when you are at a wedding or something and you run into a guy you had beers with 10 years ago and you give that dude a hug vs a guy you once had coffee with whose hand you would shake.

Take that theory and throw a couple of shots of Jack to it and you have friend for life.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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