Thursday, January 29, 2009

I've always been told that 3000 hits gets you into the hall-of-fame

If this is the case you are looking at a hall-of-fame blog as today we should get our 3000th hit!!!!!!!   Pete Rose here we come!!! 

Now on to today's rant
The best part of the $5 footlong is definitely the fact that you get a footlong sandwich for $5.. The worst thing is that I have no will power and after I order a $5 footlong, I also tend to eat an entire $5 footlong which means that my belly starts to hang over my own footlong..

I need them to start offering a 3/4 footer for $4 or something cause yesterday I slipped into a pair of work pants and I almost split them right down the ass-seam. 

I guess i'm not the only one thinking this cause I was online the other day when I heard some chick say
"The normal 6 incher isn’t nearly enough, I need at least 9 inches but Christ you gotta be a big girl to handle the full foot."  

then again I can't remember if I was online at subway or online when i heard/read this.

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