Saturday, November 29, 2008

You wear a black armband when they trampled the man who said, peace would last forever

People disgust me, especially when a poor overnight clerk gets trampled to death by a mob squad trying to save $25 on a Tickle Me Elmo. Personally I would line up every idiot who stands on a line at 5am to be the first of those door busters.against the outside wall and peg them with tennis balls like a game of asses up.
Actually anybody who was part of the Long Island stampede should be taken out back and beat with 42" TV's and Walmart hotdogs.

I walked into Toys R Us yesterday and was ready to start my own stampede but the stampede I was hoping to start was to get out of that hell hole. Who the hell cares so little about their own personal time that they are willing to sacrifice an entire Vacation day to save $15 and be surrounded by people as stupid as themselves.

People should be shot.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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