Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stop reading this blog and pay attention where you piss

standing in a men's room the other night, I noticed a sign which caught my eye.. "Please don't throw paper towels in the toilet". What struck me was how effective that sign apparently was as the toilet bowl was paper-towel free. I was wondering why they didn't bother to put a "don't piss all over the toilet seat" sign next to it as the seat looked like a slip-and-slide.  I am not for people doing anything while taking a leak.  No talking, no texting, no wacking, no shaking..nothing..  Just piss and leave. 

Then again I never understood the concept of washing your hands after you took a leak and not before.. I mean I've been touching the subway, the door handles and then my winkie.   My winkie is definitely the cleaner part between my hand and unit after walking around NYC all day.    My rule is that you wash your hands before AND afterwards,

and honestly you should consider washing the back of your thighs and your ass cheeks after ever sitting down on one of these public bowls.. 

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