Thursday, November 6, 2008
I wonder what will be a bigger presidential transition question, who will be Secretary of State or what kind of dog will Obama get
My guess is they are going to go for something fun and big like a Golden Retriever or a Yellow Lab or something. Being the First Family has some major advantages including what I'm sure is the fact that you never have to clean up after your dog. There is no way you will see Michelle Obama picking up a piling pile of dog-doo with one of those blue New York Times bags. I'm sure the Secret Service will hire some Mexican to come and landscape after ever pile this First dog leaves behind.
Gonna be one of those interesting points when Obama and Bush come together to start this transition period early next week. Obama has spent 22 months campaigning basically telling anybody who would listen that Bush is completely incompetent and has ruined the country and now they will have to hang out. This is like when you are ripping on somebody and all of a sudden you realize they are standing right behind you or they read your blog or something (sorry to all my goatee having wearing friends)..
Read that Laura Bush has already extended an invitation to Michelle Beavis Obama to come down to the White House and show her around, maybe show her where she keeps the toilet-paper and how to get the water in the shower just right .
I wonder what that will be like..
Laura: 'hey so I hear that your husband think my husband is a bumbling fool'
Shelly: " where is this personal chef I'm always hearing about..."
Did see that Bobby Jindal will be making a speech in Iowa in the next month or so, apparently he is throwing down the gauntlet for the 2012 campaign already. This dude looks so much like he could have been the fourth nerd that Homer hung out with when he went back to college, there is NO way he can become president when he looks like such a turd.
I was wondering when M. Night Shamalayn became govenor of Louisiana