Thursday, November 20, 2008

How do you people do it??

Two days in Los Angeles and I'm about to shoot myself...   I have spent exactly 4 hours working and a total of 20 hours driving and by driving I'm talking crawling.      For all the crap the NYC subway's get, at least it gets you where you need to be somewhat quickly.  This LA Traffic is just plain stupid.   You go from one parking lot to the next and everything is 100 miles from everywhere else...  I left my hotel at 5:30 this morning and rolled into my new hotel at 7pm tonight and I can count the amount of hours of actually meeting with customers one one hand and still have enough fingers left for a little self love.

Plus NYC is falling apart without me,  The Boss steps down, the MTA raises fares, Ashley Dupree is back on the front pages and the Knicks are scoring over 100 points per game.. I need some major help out here.

 Great picture of Jr and Sr. Bush

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