Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Those Stupid red-yellow-green lights were very disturbing

Round 2 of the Great Presidential Debate and I'm left wondering why McCain ever agreed to do this. Not just the debate but everything. McCain was one of the most respected men in the Senate, he DID reach across hundreds of times and he built a reputation based on honesty, hard work and bipartisanship.. But why get into this? I said it about a month ago right in these pages, the senator that loses the presidential race seems to lose all relevance, all the respect of the colleagues. He returns to the Senate a beaten man, one that the country chewed over and spit back, and for a guy his age this is his last chance anyway.

Now to the debate..
Was it just me or did you sit there the entire time, not paying attention to what either McCain or Obama was saying but instead staring at those light? It was completely distracting and obviously served no practical purpose as both candidates, but Obama in particular, would speak for full minutes after the red light went off. I like to hear myself talk but Good God, I would hope somebody put me out of my (or their) misery if I would ever have the stamina to go at this for the lengths they did.

Regular TakeOnRighetti reader Zeke sent me a text message half way through saying "they need to run this thing like PTI", add the categories they will be discussing on a bar on the side and then sound a loud bell when the time was up. Adding the question to the bottom of the screen might be helpful too but I don't think it would have made much difference to the candidates.

Oh yeah, the funniest thing about this debate was that to call it a debate is really an insult to the term debate. This idiotic restrictive town-hall format, , completely goes against the entire concept of a debate. They don't interact, Brokaw never calls either one out when they avoid the question, there is no follow up, no follow through nothing..
This thing was no better than watching two campaign stump speeches spliced together on YouTube. Why waste everybody's time if this is what we are going to get??? The entire thing moderated by a guy who sounds like the Godfather or Weird Al in the Nirvana spoof.

and honestly, can they get a more unattractive bunch of people for that studio audience. These must me the hobos living out of garbage cans or people they've gotten straight from the mental institution because these people do not represent my views. The TOR view is the following "you are going to be on National Television, broadcasted live by 10 different stations to 100 million people worldwide, put on matching socks, wear a clean shirt and comb your hair" This is what the rest of the world thinks the American public is, a bunch of indecisive slobs.

Also. Michelle Obama take a lesson from your Republican counterpart. not only was that red dress dreadful it makes your ass look like one of those bean bag chairs.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it was not a debate at all. Your characterization is 100% dead on target. I actually fell asleep after the first four questions, which, by the way, were the same damn question, and which neither candidate ever bothered to answer.
