Monday, October 20, 2008

Talk about a Revolution

Two guys walking on the street talking about all the hot chicks they've met and one is about to make a great point when they get to the front of the building they are about to enter and are met with a revolving door and the inevitable happens... the conversation comes to a grinding halt and can never come back again.

Since it completely NOT acceptable for two dudes to share one space in a revolving door, the conversation gets put on hold and by the time both are through any semblance of the joke or the eb-and-flow of the conversation completely dies. One guy could have just come up with the perfect solution for an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan but if he doesn't get the entire thought out before they come to that revolving door you may as well add 100 years of war to the possiblity of peace in the Middle East.

Somehow the 5 seconds between entering and exiting takes all steam out of conversations, maybe it has to do with an alpha dog situation since one guy has to go in first, maybe it has to do with two men locking horns in a time to come up with dominance or maybe it has to do with the fact that those doors just rotate way too slowly and between the first guy entering and the other guy finally exiting there has been way too much time elaped. Shoot maybe because you can only sort of look through the windows you get sick and the distration is just too much for anybody.

1 comment:

  1. this is the same rule as walking into the bathroom to use a urinal, all conversation ceases once cock is in hand
