Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some men, you just can't reach

I love the Jewish culture but I will never understand the public showing which is part of a bris.. I've gone to one of these things which I remember going something like this.

I remember sitting there in a suit staring at a stage, I remember hearing the Mohel chant something in Hebrew, then came the loudest scream I have ever heard, followed with some very uncomfortable silence and then I had a bagel with lox.

Mazel Tav I guess.

I went to Rutgers and knew a couple of Javelin throwers, none of them looked like Leryn Franco the javelin tosser from Paraguay

From what I can tell she is not a very good javelin-er but really....who cares

Just saw a bunch of 20 year old girls on 6th avenue handing out fliers. They were all wearing bikinis, there were easily 15 guys staring at them from all sides.. I don't remember what they were giving out.

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