Monday, August 11, 2008

Al Dole McKerry

Gotta love that picture of the contingent of US dignitaries including Bush watching Team USA play against China, Henry Kissinger was dead asleep, Bush 41 looks like he's on pain killers and Laura Bush is yawning away.

on another note, After what seems like 10 years of this national campaign, I can't even read a quote by McCain or Obama anymore without hearing their voices in my head anymore (with all those weird rhythms and pronunciations.)

Uou can just feel that this could be one of those bad weeks for McCain, while Obama is in Hawaii. I can see it now, one picture of Obama lounging on the beach sipping on Margaritas with a bunch of hot Hula girls, pan over to a shot of McCain in front of those green screens which makes his look so pasty.

Oh yeah, Tom Brokaw is really no Tim Russert, I didn't watch this week but last week's program with John Kerry and Joe Lieberman showed that Brokaw has no control at all over the direction of the conversation.

Looking at Kerry you wonder how close a guy like this came and how quickly he becomes just a sorry character.
look at the likes of guys who have a history of serving on a national stage like Bob Dole, John Kerry, Al Gore and even Michael Dukakis.. When one of these guys loses the election he seems to lose all his energy and personal motivation and but sadly also what seems like all his national relevance. Sometimes they go back to congress licking their wounds and otherwise just kind of disappear for a while.

It took Al Gore about 5 years out of the national spotlight and then only when he went to Hollywood which allowed him to be seen in a completely different light for him to be significant again.

By the way this has John McCain written all over it.

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